Den nye nasjonale sikkerhetsloven trådte i kraft i Hong Kong Tirsdag 30.Juni. Den omstridte loven forbyr blant annet det Kina stempler som løsrivelse bevegelser, statsfiendtlig virksomhet, terrorisme og samarbeid med fremmede makter. Onsdag 1.Juli ble det kjent at minst 370 er pågrepet i Hong Kong etter ny-innført sikkerhetslov.
Foran den kinesiske ambassaden i Oslo ble den nye sikkerhetsloven møtt av taktfaste rop og taler fra demonstrantene, ledet av Hong Kong komiteen i Norge. Det ble holdt appeller fra Gerald Folkvord (Politiskrådgiver i Amnesty International Norway), Petter Eide (SV), Ole Elvestuen (V), Ane Breivik (Unge Venstre), Namgyal Tsomo (Den norske Tibet-komiteen og Jessica Chiu (Hong Kong komiteen i Norge).
Muetter Iliqud fra Den norske uighurkomiteen deltok med forberedt appell som følgende:
Dear all,
My name is Muetter Iliqud and I am a representative from the Norwegian Uyghur Committee, it is our great pleasure to join you in this demonstration, as we reaffirm our commitment to standing up for all human rights violations happening in Hong Kong, in Tibet, and East in Turkestan.
For decades, Hong Kong was a haven for civil society, a safe place for activists who had fled China and an operational base on the fringe of the mainland for groups pursuing social justice, labor rights, and democracy. But now, those groups are risking whether they can continue to exist as China passes a national security law for Hong Kong, that will take aim at what Beijing deems “foreign interference”. As an Uyghur, I am here today showing my concern because history is always surprisingly similar. About a decade ago, the communist party´s army troops marched into East Turkestan, effectively ended the East Turkestan Republic. The Chinese communists established the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the territory of East Turkestan. The Chinese communist reign in our homeland is considered as the darkest chapter in our history, and it´s still an ongoing nightmare today. Step by step, we lost our land, our self-legislation, and our fundamental rights.
Under the current condition, the very existence of the Uyghur nation is under threat, the Chinese communist government has been carrying out various campaign against Uyghurs and other indigenous people of East Turkestan in order to permanently annex the land of East-Turkestan.
China´s policies towards Hong Kong is exactly what we´ve experienced 80 years ago. Therefore, we are here today, standing with people of Hong Kong, demanding a stronger society, based on justice, solidarity, dignity, and respect.
I believe there is a way forward, and it is to fight back.